Born in Poughkeepise, New York and raised in the Mid-Hudson Valley, Matt Shaw attend College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine where he first started making films and cultivating an art practice. After earning his BA in Human Ecology he enrolled in a year of the college’s MPhil program before attending the University of Illinois at Chicago. At UIC he was part of a small interdisciplinary program of artists and earned his MFA in Moving Image in 2014. He has been back in Maine since 2017, working at College of the Atlantic and Blue Hill Books. His art practice has been supported by LEF Foundation, Maine Arts Commission, Arteles Creative Center, the Anahata Foundation, a Flaherty Film Seminar Fellowship, and the Kindling Fund. He is a great fan of walking.

CV   vimeo   instagram

interview in The Ellsworth American

P.O. Box 781 Blue Hill, ME 04614